Calvary Pampa exists to exalt Christ, through Christ-centered relationships, as we proclaim the Gospel to our community

As a community of believers, we realize that what Christ has called us to is far more than simply retaining some information and filling an empty spot on Sunday mornings. 

Jesus has called each believer to be "His witnesses" in the context of our own community. This means that wherever we "Go" we are to share about the amazing redemption that we have received, by faith, in Jesus. It's our desire to develop meaningful relationships with others and share how they can experience the same mercy and forgiveness through a personal relationship with Christ.

We believe that it's all about Jesus and the good news of His glory!


Our vision is fleshed out in our mission:

At Calvary, we believe that Christ's clear mandate for the church is to make disciples that make disciples- fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who have been transformed by the Gospel.  We believe that the process of becoming a disciple of Christ is a life-long process of being transformed from who we once were to who He calls us to be.

It is our passion to encourage people along this process by:

Connecting people with Christ- by preaching and teaching that the only way to salvation and forgiveness of sin is through Jesus Christ.
Connecting people with His Truth- by helping believers to follow and apply God's Word through Christ-centered Bible Study, Worship, and Discipleship.
Connecting people to His Church- by helping believers to connect to other believers in both the local and global church for encouragement, support, and accountability.

Connecting people with His Mission- by providing believers the opportunity to participate in mission and service projects- locally, nationally, and internationally.

We encourage our members to use the gifts and talents that God has given them to serve and give unto others.

We are a sending church that seeks to send our members on mission, with God, proclaiming Christ and the Gospel, which is "the power of God unto Salvation".