Our Mission in the children's ministry is to make disciples that make disciples.  We are here to teach, train, and send these kids out into the world to do the same to others.  We want to be an example of Christ through our love towards each other and through teaching the Word of God to the children.


Sunday Mornings are a time to dig deep into God's Word through a curriculum called The Biggest Story.  We read a bible story and apply it to the kids' lives.  We read the story from the Bible; discuss it; and watch a video.  We pray over the kids and then head off to 'Big Church' AKA the Worship Service.  We worship together and then the Kindergarten through 3rd grade kids go to Children's Church.  There we    re-tell the Sunday School story and watch fun videos, play games, and have a snack.  

Sunday School is broken up into age groups:  Kinder-1st,  2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th

Teachers for each class room:

Kinder/1st- Colleen Bartel and Beverly Morse

2nd/3rd- Maggie Camden

4th/5th-Glynn and Shannon Greanya


Sunday School- 9.30am

Worship Service- 10.45am

Children's Church- 11.15am


Wednesday nights are a time of learning the Word, games, crafts, missions, snacks, and Bible drills.  This night is a time for teaching a story from the Bible and applying it to the lives of the kids; playing a game or making a craft that will show God's love; and learning new skills on how to use our Bible, how to find things in the Bible, and reading directly from them.  We divide our kids up into small groups-Kinder/1st; 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th grades.  

Teachers for each class room:

Kinder/1st- Colleen Bartel

2nd/3rd Jennifer Puryear

4th/5th-Craig and Christina Thrasher


5:30-6:15 is a meal.  $5 adults and $3 for kids

Class time is from 6.30-8.00pm