Wednesday nights are a time of learning the Word, games, crafts, missions, snacks, and Bible drills. This night is a time for teaching a story from the Bible and applying it to the lives of the kids; playing a game or making a craft that will show God's love; and learning new skills on how to use our Bible, how to find things in the Bible, and reading directly from them. We divide our kids up into small groups-Kinder/1st; 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th grades.
Teachers for each class room:
Kinder/1st- Colleen Bartel
2nd/3rd Jennifer Puryear
4th/5th-Craig and Christina Thrasher
5:30-6:15 is a meal. $5 adults and $3 for kids
Class time is from 6.30-8.00pm